Quality and Ethical Management

Quality and Ethical Management

01Quality Management Policy
In order to grow as a leader in power semiconductors, we identify and comply with the requirements of stakeholders, including customers, and the applicable laws and regulations, and apply them to product development, design, and production activities, continuing to implement the following quality policies to provide products and services that meet the needs and expectations of the customers.

To achieve this, all employees

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    must establish and implement an effective quality management system that satisfies the requirements of “ISO 9001,” a quality management standard, and promote continuous improvement.

    Understand this policy and faithfully fulfill the responsibilities and powers set forth in the manual.

    Make the best efforts to achieve this by establishing, implementing and periodically measuring management(quality) targets on a regular basis.
02Ethical Management
All Powermaster Semiconductor employees are required to comply with strict ethical regulations. "The Cyber Newspaper" is a place where employees can report the behaviors that violate the code of ethics, submit improvement points, and make suggestions online.
audit@ powermastersemi.com
03Main report topics